This is an example of what a bored mind can do... Written about four years ago, it was edited and edited till it didn't make you want to throw up after reading. Of the 8 people who have read it, only 3 interpreted it the way the author intended. Are you the fourth to join the assylum?


This happens to be a 'tale' conceived in a rage fuelled by among other things, a bad movie, a boring book

and a student who was probably admitted into a psychiatry ward a few years after coming up with

this Masterpiece.

If you are brave enough and persistent enough to have completed 

the story do leave your feedback.


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3 minutes ago

It was as promised. On either side of the bell, two lamps were on- despite the hour- at the small cottage at the end of the line. As he got close to the door, he could sense rays emanating nearby. He was not sure what it exactly meant. The door was not locked and he got inside. He was there as promised. There was a long hall with chairs scattered. There was a look of incredulous fear etched in his face. Wren’s sight brought a sigh of relief. Behind him was a large world map.

“Sorry for bringing you here. It is important”

“It’s okay. Who is it you fear?”



2 minutes ago

De Laury was sure his boss had never been completely honest with anyone. For a man with such instincts, he seemed disoriented and confused today and the call from the supposedly deceased man seemed to have eased him a little bit. He had spent the rest of the day alone working on his system. De Laury felt that this could be his best chance to earn that promotion he felt was long overdue. He had a loaded gun, just in case things got nasty.

As he neared the rendezvous point, he got off his car and slowly crept towards the house which housed the police car.


One minute ago

“Landau…?  Norman Landau?”

“You think he is dead? He is not. He wants me dead…”

The conversation progressed without making any sense to the cop. At one point Wren Hall demanded an explanation.

At that very moment, the lights went out.

 “Nobody moves”

Wren recognized it as De Laury’s voice.

Then there was a muffled thud and a gut wrenching yell.


One minute later 

When the lights came on, the assassin was staring at two men and a corpse. But his target was still alive. Just as he was about to shoot through his target’s skull, there was a loud bang. It was Wren Hall who had shot him.

He could sense the pain of death, having failed to relish the joys life provided. His mission would remain unfinished- for the first time.  Here he was about to die, in ignominy, not  remembered as he wanted to be. He had died as his alter ego. A shame it was.

 He had one last look at his target as he breathed his last. His swift reflexes saved him earlier when an attempt was made on his life. He had then killed Agnew to settle a personal score. He was asked to run one last errand. He had failed those who trusted him. Most of all, he had failed his own conscience. He was now certain fate had had the final call in his life. He remembered the third of Fates. Morta... She was the one who cut the thread of life.

However it was his master’s words that were his last thoughts.

Poverty wants some things, Luxury many things

He saw the truth in his teacher’s words. Luxury now wanted his life. Or was it Morta?

He would never know.


Two minutes later

Wren and Emanuel were staring at the lifeless body of the man who tried to kill them and the one who had died to save them. The hood revealed the face of a young man who hardly looked liked the hired killers Wren had encountered in the past. He did not recognize the hazel eyes though it seemed familiar. His watch turned red and it caught Emanuel’s eye.

“Oh, that’s nothing.”

There was a note in the assassin’s pocket.

“Morton’s Clave... 9 Pm”

“We must go there”

Emanuel nodded reluctantly with an indefinite eerie sensation creeping upon him which was augmented by the voice which seemed excited at that proposition.



The president was not sure what had made his government complacent. With the amount of fuel the convict had, he could reach his destination in no time at all. Though there was little doubt regarding the place he headed to, there was the issue of exactly calculating the time he would take and the time he would reach. Without that, it would be near impossible to alert the men without causing chaos transcending boundaries. In this case it was a female who was given free reins. She was an able agent. The General told him and added that she had proved it in more than one occasion.

He knew what OMEGA-once a friend and mentor, was capable of. Everyone in did. Had he not got that dastardly separatist idea, who knows what heights he might have touched? He had served his Nation honorably in the First Defense. He had been an assassin who almost singly handed the Federals victory by destabilizing the East. Hailed a hero, he came to power amidst much fanfare, before the World came to know of his sinister intentions.

His horrific plans involved mass killing of those who raised the faintest of opposition to his ideals. His racist attitude came to the fore when his atrocious rulings and decisions made Adolf Hitler seem a fair and just ruler. He rapidly gained momentum and defeated country after country before the remaining nations forged the Alliance. It was believed that OMEGA was some kind of acronym. It was not. He had wanted to strike fear in his enemies’ minds. He wanted to instill the thought of End in their hearts to scare them. He had been successful in that count. All said and done, it was indeed gallant that the regimen he led-the 32nd Line which defended the East of Lake Chiming, managed to destroy close to two hundred thousand soldiers of the Alliance. A great achievement considering he had only thirty five thousand men at his disposal. But the rumors that he had let the “Scourge” annihilate the soldiers were not without takers. That seemed a plausible explanation given he and his soldiers were immune to the mysterious illness causing organism his mad scientists had managed to create.

But then, it was only a matter of time before he was defeated. The Pre-War treaty meant that the leaders of the defeated faction would not be killed and that was how time travel came in as a way to get rid of OMEGA.

The actual intention had been to send OMEGA’s mother before her marriage to Nigher as that was the maximum length of time-travel possible. But as it turned out, the scientists made an error which had an unprecedented implication. OMEGA’s mother was pregnant when the agents went to get her. The President, who was then in charge of the mission, asked them to get on with it not wanting the first attempt to be a well publicized failure.

The agents managed to preserve the new born kid in a state of suspended animation before replacing the still born child of one Mrs. Emanuel (who along with his mother had succumbed to infections) with OMEGA and his mother, the latter, with her looks altered to resemble the deceased woman. That way, they believed he would grow and die a normal human, but, in the past.

While the general notion was that, just like other high profile criminals, OMEGA had been rendered amnesic and had been sent to live the life of ‘a man in the past’, in truth, OMEGA’s mom lived the life of Mrs. Emanuel. Thus, while the first part of the plan had failed, the second part had worked as planned, only that the original plan did not involve the supplanting the stillborn child.

As expected, OMEGA lived a relatively normal life before the oracle and his band of fanatics tried to bring him back with information from Wren Hall, who had deflected to the other side, regarding the Artificial Brain.

That was not the end of OMEGA in the New World. What many did not know was that it was Scrod Nigher who had been immortalized in the rhyme the kids recited. Not many realized that Doc Sherring was an anagram of Scrod Nigher.

Not that it had escaped the attention of the Leaders. But giving it importance would arouse the curiosity of millions who would end up being fascinated by the man who ‘did it all’. Indeed, only that they were all beyond the realms of normal Evil. In all probabilities, the rhyme had been popularized by one of the several fanatic fan clubs of the Eternal Strategist.

Now one of the fans had escaped detention and his ally here had given all that was needed to get to another ally who would help the resurrection of OMEGA. While the mere arrival of OMEGA would not have a great impact, it would mobilize his supporters giving him time to regain his full strength.

He wondered how many men in his office still secretly worshipped the man. The very thought of it gave him a queasy sensation.

More Revelations

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10 minutes later

Morton Clave looked like a fallen city- completely deserted. There were no signs of any inhabitants nor was there any evidence suggesting that this place had ever been a human dwelling. There, however, was a limousine-waiting. The chauffeur bowed and spoke with a heavy southern accent.

“Mr. Landau sends his regard”

“That is impossible. He is dead”-It was more of exasperation coming from Emanuel.

“Are you kidding me? You just said he was alive?”

Emanuel knew he had bitten the bait.

“Alright... I understand it. You are brainy Wren. That was why I wanted you dead. I hired Van Guerin. Who would suspect him? The brilliant scientist... But he had his desires. I bought him stuff. I wanted Landau dead. He did the double with Agnew. And he almost got you. Were it not for your assistant, you would have joined my foes.”

“You did all this?” Wren seemed genuinely surprised.

“I had doubts right from the moment you picked up that piece of paper from his pocket.”

Emanuel presented a complex picture before Wren. He was calm while the maniacal glint in his eyes meant that his confessions did not come without strings attached. Wren continued, unruffled.

“I slipped that paper into our intruder’s pocket, who I now believe happens to be Derek van Guerin. I wanted you to be present for this meeting”

“Are you talking about the man who whose lab is in #27Malvern Avenue?

Both Emanuel and Wren looked at the chauffeur who-for the first time- seemed to show interest in the proceedings. Emanuel nodded.

The chauffeur’s apparent excitement was subdued when his watch flashed red.

“So you are also a cop? Where is my chauffeur? You arrested him?”-Emanuel apparently thought the similarity in their watches showed their allegiance to the state.

No one spoke anything.

“For God’s sake, someone talk.”

The chauffeur then spoke in a voice that sent shivers down Emanuel’s spine.

“Listen. I am no cop. In fact I don’t even belong here. I came here looking for someone”

“Me? Why?”

“That is a long story”

It was Wren who answered Emanuel. The chauffeur gave Wren a reluctant smile.

“You got my message, Wren Hall?”

“Sure I did. And your presence here means you definitely got my message. Good job, given you had such a short notice.”

“You sure he is the one? I came here just to meet you and discuss our options.”

“Why else would I have brought him here? I ran a scan. He is exactly aid712dee840.”

There was only one person who did not understand it.

“Are you here because of Agnew’s device?”

“Who is he?”

Before Wren could explain things to his accomplice, Emanuel cut across again

“Look…this is getting insane”

“Have you heard of willing suspension of disbelief?”

It was Wren Hall who was now talking to Emanuel while the chauffeur seemed distraught.

The cop continued as Emanuel did not answer but merely gave a quizzical look.

“If not, this story is not for you. But given the consequences this hold for you, at least try”

“Get started”

“This guy here is a friend of mine. He escaped from a high security prison from there…”

At this point, Wren Hall pointed upwards which left Emanuel feeling ridiculous, as the chauffeur kept fidgeting with his watch which was now in crimson. Wren went on without paying attention to the similar change in his watch.

“...he made it here after a tumultuous journey to bring about a New Order.”

Emanuel began to get a grasp of things, or so he thought. It was time to play safe and act even spineless, if needed.

“Er…Is this some kind of invasion? I am on your side”

Wren and the chauffeur looked at Emanuel.

“No. We are on your side.”

Emanuel returned a blank stare but the two men were now looking at him, intently

They then knelt down and said in unison:

“Hail OMEGA. The Eternal Strategist”


15 minutes later

Mike was amazed when she mentioned that his occasional arrhythmias and the fear of inducing a shock had stopped her from forcefully waking him up. She said she had done her research before approaching him and it showed. He was even more startled when she finished her recital.

She told him that so advanced were the people there that they could manipulate even time. Women had the power to change their form and could create illusions. Each female had three unique forms which could not be imitated by others. Mike wanted to ask her how her other two avatars looked like, but he suppressed his urge.

Men, she said, could channel energy through their body and manipulate objects. She was slightly upset as the ability to separate the astral form from the physical self had been attained by a few-all men-over the centuries. She then added gleefully that unlike men, women could use their abilities irrespective of time and other dimensions giving them an advantage in this world. That was just the start of the astonishment Mike was subjected to.

Their transport devices, she said, were faster than light and hence they could go to the past. They had used it to make their world free of evil. Then there was this man called Scrod Nigher who called himself OMEGA. He decided to bring about change. Fortunately, he was apprehended before his ideas materialized. Unfortunately, it took a massive war and a few million deaths before his defeat. But his followers, a few of them at least, were at large. One of them had escaped the facility and had gotten here to free OMEGA.

 When she said there were ‘time travelers’ monitoring the ‘prisoners’, Mike was amazed. There was a code of silence, which she had now broken for the sake of safety. All the secrecy, she said, was to ensure that the present remained in the dark over the fact that there were people from the future. That was quite necessary, Mike thought. But several questions bombarded him.

“You mean to say we are all prisoners?”

“Not all. There are a few hundred people. The most dangerous ones... But they do not have their memory. That is erased just before the ‘take off’.”

“Take off?”

“The prisoners are sent to a containment facility where their new identity is implanted and their past is erased completely. They then are sent to a state of suspended animation in a shuttle which can travel at twice the speed of light. We leave them here.”

“Erase the memory?”

“Yes. There is a device which discharges photons of very high energy. It can selectively ablate neural circuits. But to be effective, it needs to be amplified, for, as such it can erase around just 24 hours of memory. The reflected and refracted beams are stronger. We use a lens to erase years of memory. A mirror would virtually make the person globally amnesic.”

Mike was amazed but could not help but think that she was withholding some information from him. He had a few questions.

“What about their childhood? Won’t there be suspicion? I mean, suddenly an adult comes to exist out of nowhere, not convenient right?”

“The convicts live the lives of the dead here. There are several thousand still births and a lot less prisoners. All it takes is quick action and memories of few people”

“What do you do with the dead?”

“They are sent off with honors…”

“But then, you cannot go back to the future”

“We can. But it is expensive. You need to go back and forth. Twice the distance needs more fuel than one can imagine. We do not bring prisoners every week. It is like once in a decade, reserved for the really bad ones. Even in the future the issue of fuel remains a matter of hot debate among our leaders”

Mike was able to empathize.

She added that she did not know who the other time travelers were. A few ‘seniors’ had a list of prisoners, but their true identity is known only to the Leaders, who identify the prisoners with a unique code. And now the problem had arisen as OMEGA’s code has been stolen.

Though he was not impressed with the idea of sharing his life with convicts from the future, he could not help but sympathize with her and the other time travelers who were stuck here.

 “Even if they get this guy, assuming one of the ‘travelers’ is an admirer of OMEGA and helps the escaped guy identify OMEGA, how can they get back to the future with all the fuel you said you’d need?”

 “Cobalt... It seems they have been planning this for years”

“And my device picked it out?”

 “Yes. And your 'brain' having been activated, would have been detected by them.”

She continued explaining how the ‘brain’ would serve OMEGA’s purpose.

“How do you know all the stuff happening now…like OMEGA’s revival depending on the brain?”

“Our people got hold of an Oracle, he told them everything. But I realized something was not right a few days ago. Shall we leave?”

He obliged and it was the first time he noticed, the place seemed a bit different but familiar none the less.

“Where are we, now?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yeah...My girlfriend might be…”

“Do not bother. I am sure she would love to have you back, especially after learning that you risked your life to save the planet.”

Mike grunted.

“She won’t believe me”

His friend from the future chuckled. Only the situation was unfamiliar.

“Now to your lab... We have very little time left.”


½ hour later  

Emanuel was sure these guys were trying to fool around. They fed him with a story which was absurd beyond belief but if they were not lying, it meant that he had been wrong about the device. For one, it was Van Guerin’s work, not Agnew’s and it most certainly was not meant to contact aliens.

 He was the man who worked in Area 51. He was never going to deem that all the UFO and stuff were Space Ships that dumped prisoners from the future. He most certainly did not think he was a prisoner from the future. The two men also said that the cop was also a guard, one from the future. A corrupt one, Emanuel thought.

“You must believe us. We need to get to the lab”

“Which one…?”

“The one with the brain… The one at Malvern Avenue”

“It’s easy, too bad that friend of us died. He could have explained how his device works.”

“Amazes me... It can simulate brain... detect and absorb high energy radiations… sustain itself…”

Wren Hall and the chauffeur were lavishing praises on the work of art they were about to lay hands on.

“Why did you wait all these years to release me?”

Emanuel had been waiting for something sensible to talk. And that question seemed to fit the requirement.

“The project was started a decade ago as soon as Glazer said he was working on Biosynthetic brain… I’ve been in it for 4 years… We needed your code and the brain. Moreover it takes time...the journey”

“Besides, we had to identify an ally from the ‘travelers’ to have your identity here. Your thoughts were your asset. As you see, without that you fall two letters short.”-the chauffeur shot back

“I presume I am your boss?”-Emanuel appeared remotely abashed.

“Yes-but only with your ideals and principles. Not the way you are now. To get your memory back, we needed a device which could mimic the brain.”-the chauffeur was counting on the fact that when OMEGA was reborn, he would not have memories of this conversation.

“Why can’t you just take another person and feed him OMEGA’s…alright my memory? I mean, with all the advances you say you have achieved, cosmetic surgery cannot lag behind. Besides you need only the memories”

“You see, the memories from the database cannot be directly transferred to a person and can by no means be fed to another person as they identify the unique pattern of sulci and gyri in individuals-but this brain being part organic and part electrical can bypass both the precautions.”

 “How did you detect the brain thing?”

They showed the watch.

“Any Electrical activity similar to that of the brain can be recorded and identified by this watch. The natural brain has certain buffers that prevent this watch from picking signals or else the watch would be blinking all the time”

The chauffeur went on.

 “But we still owe you answers. As soon as I got here I tried to contact Hall. I could not. Then he got the message I had left and brought you here. It is going to be far more difficult than I thought it’d be”

 “Wish I could channel the flow. Bloody conditions here…”

“You should be a female for that”-Wren said

“Is not that an offence?”-Emanuel had found his voice.

“I wish it was. But then, females can use their powers irrespective of the dimension”

The bitterness in Wren’s voice was obvious. The chauffeur continued.

“Hall, forget the shape shifters. Let’s do it. We go to the lab. Get the brain. And we use my ship to get back to our time”


“We need Van Guerin’s hand for that.”

“Good thing he personally chose to give us a helping hand”

 “Right, back to your place, Mr. Emanuel… You have made our job easier. You have assisted yourself in your impending revival”


The Closure

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1 hour later  

Mike and the female got into the lab. It was deserted. The girl was flustered.

“It’s strange…Derek should be here…unless…”


“Won’t you let me have a moment of thought? I fear his safety”

“You are using your left hand” she was almost shouting.

“I am the one who has spent every day of my last few years here”

Thankfully, the bad guys had not gotten there. The brain was there. So was the canister. He carefully disengaged the complex electric connections. The canister was removed with consummate ease by the girl. Mike was trying to take out as many papers as possible.

“Now, I really mean it when I say time is not on our side”

The stern voice reminded him of Anne. There was a sudden vision of his defeated proposal and it seemed to weaken him.

He then regained composure and grabbed the bag full of papers.

“Good job”

They complimented each other and left the lab. He resealed the lab, but with his right hand. He returned a smile when the girl looked at him quizzically.


1¾ hours later  

Emanuel finally seemed to have understood the origin of the voices which had haunted him since childhood. It must have been the residual memory of OMEGA, he rightly assumed.
The three men were back to the place where Emanuel had tried to get rid of Wren. It was the same dimly lit room. Van Guerin’s lifeless body was there along with De Laury’s corpse.

“We cannot carry the whole body. Take the hand”

“Are you sure there is no retinal scanner there?”

The chauffeur let out a cold high pitched crackle.

“Leave no stone unturned”

“Hang on…How do we go to your time?” Emanuel was at a loss

“The vehicle I came in can go at any speed from 0 to several hundred thousand miles per second. After a flight of 6 calendar years and 150 light-years to and fro, we’d reach our destination.”

Emanuel sounded pleased with that explanation; he acknowledged his understanding with an enthusiastic reply.

“I don’t have a calculator. I accept your estimate. I believe our fuel source is…Cobalt???”

Wren, however, was not too happy.

“Listen, I’ll take this man to the lab. You bring the vessel to the lab.”

“Good idea. But the Lab is on the way. I’ll drop you guys there. Then I’ll get our cutie and then, Bang”

“Fine... Let us take the Limousine.”

“No. I’ve a taxi parked round the corner. We can avoid attracting attention with that.”

The men left to the lab in the cab with a look of delight in their faces.


2 hours later 

Mike and the girl were back at the bar. It was a lot less crowded. The barman gave them an unfriendly stare as they settled in a corner, far from the prying eyes of the others.

“What the hell do you think you did?”

“I sealed it with the wrong hand”

“So?” She did not understand.

“That is a security arrangement. They need to get past the security. They have not got me. But they might have Van Guerin which I presume to have happened. If he is alive and kicking, they would get in unharmed. If he had been harmed by them, they will regret not letting him live.”

“What would happen?”

“You will soon see”


2 ½ hours later

The three men reached the lab. Wren Hall had the hand and the chauffeur held the eyeball.

They saw the finger print detection pad.

“Too bad we had to disfigure him.”

“Thank God, we took the right hand.”

They enjoyed the pun which evoked a roar of laughter.

“Hang on, there are two pads”

Emanuel was happy to have the answer.

“Two guys work here. They surely come to work at different hours”

Emanuel was right. They had gotten past the barrier with the single hand.

“Good. All the best, mate… Get to the top of this building with the equipment.”

The chauffeur drove the taxi towards the place where he had hidden his shuttle which had been rendered invisible.

The door opened, the two men got in.

None of them noticed the small red light which started flickering frantically over the security pad.


2 ¾ hours later 

“Well done, Mike. Anne would be proud”

“When did I mention her name?”

“Oh, you kept muttering her name in your sleep. I assumed she was...”

“Yeah… I get it. Too bad I cannot get her take me serious. And you lied about apocalypse. Didn’t you?”

“Not entirely. Had he got escaped the past, it would have been curtains for my world.”

“I guess we just saved the present and the future”

He took a sip of the drink

“Hang on. You are from the future right? Make a prediction”

She was exasperated. She recovered a moment later.

“You follow football?”

“I love it”

“Right… This year, France will win the Euro with a golden Goal-that after Italy takes the lead and a French equalizer in virtually the last minute of normal time.”

 “How can I be…?”

“Make an entry in your diary”

He noted it. But she still seemed rather disconcerted.

“What do we do if they get inside safely?” she was visibly worried.

 If Mike had got it wrong, there would be work to do though there won’t be as much damage as would have been had they got all what they came for.

“They’ll have nothing. I’ll have these two things deposited in a safe for the time being.”

“That means I might still have unfinished business?”

“I cannot promise anything. But I guess you would have issues to attend to”

“That is so typical of you…men”

“Who lied about Armageddon to save her time?”

“Nice one.”

“You won’t get the compliment you seek…or a compliment even otherwise”

 She opened her mouth to say something, but decided against that.

She merely said:

“I’ll let you have the last say, at least this time.”

He was about to start arguing. But at that very moment there was a loud bang.


Same time, nearby

He could not believe it. It had barely been minutes. He had hardly gone 500m. The lab was destroyed. And with it, his friends too were lost. How would he face the oracle?

Then it occurred to him. In all the frenzy associated with the events of the day which he thought would culminate in the revival of OMEGA, he had completely forgotten about the code. The cop, his ally was gone and with him the activation code.

There was no way he could go back. He was stuck in this world forever.

But he decided to wreck havoc. He would ponder over what he would do later that day. He had no money. He looked around. He had the taxi. He would try to earn a few dollars before deciding his future in the past.
He had to find something to eat for he had gone hours without eating.

But first, he decided, he must find someone to hire the taxi.


A little under 3 hours later 

No one missed the explosion. The lab was blown to smithereens. Mike and the girl came out of the bar to see the flame.

“Mission accomplished” Mike smiled at his accomplice.

Later, it was announced two men had died in the explosion. Mike confirmed that he was alive after several people called him.

She looked happy. That meant her job was done. They walked together to a nearby park.

“Before we part ways, why don’t you predict something else?”

“I don’t predict. I state facts.”

“Go on”

“Right... George Bush will win the elections this year.”

“That will strengthen our country’s security.

She gave a wry smile

 “Never mind… I’ll drop you in your apartment before bidding you good bye”

“You have a car?”

“No, I’ll hail a taxi”

Just then a taxi came across.

“I want you to take us to Mallory Walk.”

“Hop in. But I am new to this town. Give me the directions.”-the cabbie said.

A few minutes of silence passed before they got to Mike’s place.

She decided to send the taxi off.

“Are you sure you do not want the taxi to drop you at your place?”

“No. My place is not far from here.”

Mike turned towards the taxi driver.

“Here, thanks. By the way, where are you from?” Mike always found taxi drivers fascinating though he could not see this man’s face clearly.

“You won’t believe me if I said the truth.”

The taxi moved away leaving Mike slightly bemused. Mike checked his watch. It was over half past three.

“We should meet sometime later and I am sure Anne would love to meet you. She won’t be home now. Later you could tell her that it was indeed true…”

She turned to him and spoke in a whisper

“She won’t need any explanations”

He eyed her suspiciously for a second, the next moment his face lit up, as though he had understood a fact which had eluded him for quite some time. But before he could react, she said rather apologetically

“Now, I am really sorry about this”

“What?”-he thought he knew what was coming next.

There was a bright flash.

“I am sorry Mike.”

The work was done, almost. She would later contact the Colonel and then the news of her success would ensure relief through the government ranks. The fundamentalists who were ready to follow OMEGA’s lead would later learn of the failed mission and the end of their iconic leader.

Then, there was another important issue for her to attend to.

She had to prepare strawberry mousse for the man she loved most.


A little over 3 hours later

They would soon learn about him. The whole world would.

 He would unleash Panic and Confusion. At least he would have a sense of satisfaction.

He adjusted his rear view mirror. The couple had still not moved in. He waited to see if they kissed, for, the voyeur in him had woken up.

At that very moment, he saw a blinding flash in his rear view mirror.

Moments later, he was staring blankly at the mirror. It said:

Objects in the mirror are nearer than they appear

None of those symbols there made any sense to him.

In three hours’ time, he would be arrested on account of the lifeless man in the boot and later would be sent to a mental asylum. After realizing that the patient’s problems were too complex and inexplicable, the puzzled psychiatrist would bring Mike into the fray. 

Mike would study the amnesic man with little luck, without realizing he had been the only one to have hired the cabbie’s taxi.

Neither of them would ever know that it was the other who had made the 15th of May-a day neither of them remembered- what it was.

The murders would never be solved; the truths, never realized.

The dusk, still, keeps many in the dark over a few furtive facts

           (The End)