This is an example of what a bored mind can do... Written about four years ago, it was edited and edited till it didn't make you want to throw up after reading. Of the 8 people who have read it, only 3 interpreted it the way the author intended. Are you the fourth to join the assylum?

The Speech

“Decades ago, a nation was born…born on the barren lands which our fathers rendered rich with their sweat and blood. To say that all men stand a right to share the lands of our forefathers is farce. The shores of our magnificent lands welcome travelers  whilst they abhor the ones that overstayed to reap profits mistaking our courtesy as leniency. Plundering our resources is an act of evil which shall henceforth be dealt with severely. Brothers, join me as I try to cleanse these vast lands and fight those who have usurped our positions; stolen our happiness; encroached upon our lives. Now I address to those who do not belong here, whose ancestors sought to serve and whose issues live a life worth envy. This is the end. I, OMEGA, am your end. Walk away from these sacred lands leaving behind the wealth you unjustly accumulated, unless you want to see the worst this nation can give to you, your family and your children. Henceforth, there will be no compassion, only retribution.”