This is an example of what a bored mind can do... Written about four years ago, it was edited and edited till it didn't make you want to throw up after reading. Of the 8 people who have read it, only 3 interpreted it the way the author intended. Are you the fourth to join the assylum?


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3 minutes ago

It was as promised. On either side of the bell, two lamps were on- despite the hour- at the small cottage at the end of the line. As he got close to the door, he could sense rays emanating nearby. He was not sure what it exactly meant. The door was not locked and he got inside. He was there as promised. There was a long hall with chairs scattered. There was a look of incredulous fear etched in his face. Wren’s sight brought a sigh of relief. Behind him was a large world map.

“Sorry for bringing you here. It is important”

“It’s okay. Who is it you fear?”



2 minutes ago

De Laury was sure his boss had never been completely honest with anyone. For a man with such instincts, he seemed disoriented and confused today and the call from the supposedly deceased man seemed to have eased him a little bit. He had spent the rest of the day alone working on his system. De Laury felt that this could be his best chance to earn that promotion he felt was long overdue. He had a loaded gun, just in case things got nasty.

As he neared the rendezvous point, he got off his car and slowly crept towards the house which housed the police car.


One minute ago

“Landau…?  Norman Landau?”

“You think he is dead? He is not. He wants me dead…”

The conversation progressed without making any sense to the cop. At one point Wren Hall demanded an explanation.

At that very moment, the lights went out.

 “Nobody moves”

Wren recognized it as De Laury’s voice.

Then there was a muffled thud and a gut wrenching yell.


One minute later 

When the lights came on, the assassin was staring at two men and a corpse. But his target was still alive. Just as he was about to shoot through his target’s skull, there was a loud bang. It was Wren Hall who had shot him.

He could sense the pain of death, having failed to relish the joys life provided. His mission would remain unfinished- for the first time.  Here he was about to die, in ignominy, not  remembered as he wanted to be. He had died as his alter ego. A shame it was.

 He had one last look at his target as he breathed his last. His swift reflexes saved him earlier when an attempt was made on his life. He had then killed Agnew to settle a personal score. He was asked to run one last errand. He had failed those who trusted him. Most of all, he had failed his own conscience. He was now certain fate had had the final call in his life. He remembered the third of Fates. Morta... She was the one who cut the thread of life.

However it was his master’s words that were his last thoughts.

Poverty wants some things, Luxury many things

He saw the truth in his teacher’s words. Luxury now wanted his life. Or was it Morta?

He would never know.


Two minutes later

Wren and Emanuel were staring at the lifeless body of the man who tried to kill them and the one who had died to save them. The hood revealed the face of a young man who hardly looked liked the hired killers Wren had encountered in the past. He did not recognize the hazel eyes though it seemed familiar. His watch turned red and it caught Emanuel’s eye.

“Oh, that’s nothing.”

There was a note in the assassin’s pocket.

“Morton’s Clave... 9 Pm”

“We must go there”

Emanuel nodded reluctantly with an indefinite eerie sensation creeping upon him which was augmented by the voice which seemed excited at that proposition.



The president was not sure what had made his government complacent. With the amount of fuel the convict had, he could reach his destination in no time at all. Though there was little doubt regarding the place he headed to, there was the issue of exactly calculating the time he would take and the time he would reach. Without that, it would be near impossible to alert the men without causing chaos transcending boundaries. In this case it was a female who was given free reins. She was an able agent. The General told him and added that she had proved it in more than one occasion.

He knew what OMEGA-once a friend and mentor, was capable of. Everyone in did. Had he not got that dastardly separatist idea, who knows what heights he might have touched? He had served his Nation honorably in the First Defense. He had been an assassin who almost singly handed the Federals victory by destabilizing the East. Hailed a hero, he came to power amidst much fanfare, before the World came to know of his sinister intentions.

His horrific plans involved mass killing of those who raised the faintest of opposition to his ideals. His racist attitude came to the fore when his atrocious rulings and decisions made Adolf Hitler seem a fair and just ruler. He rapidly gained momentum and defeated country after country before the remaining nations forged the Alliance. It was believed that OMEGA was some kind of acronym. It was not. He had wanted to strike fear in his enemies’ minds. He wanted to instill the thought of End in their hearts to scare them. He had been successful in that count. All said and done, it was indeed gallant that the regimen he led-the 32nd Line which defended the East of Lake Chiming, managed to destroy close to two hundred thousand soldiers of the Alliance. A great achievement considering he had only thirty five thousand men at his disposal. But the rumors that he had let the “Scourge” annihilate the soldiers were not without takers. That seemed a plausible explanation given he and his soldiers were immune to the mysterious illness causing organism his mad scientists had managed to create.

But then, it was only a matter of time before he was defeated. The Pre-War treaty meant that the leaders of the defeated faction would not be killed and that was how time travel came in as a way to get rid of OMEGA.

The actual intention had been to send OMEGA’s mother before her marriage to Nigher as that was the maximum length of time-travel possible. But as it turned out, the scientists made an error which had an unprecedented implication. OMEGA’s mother was pregnant when the agents went to get her. The President, who was then in charge of the mission, asked them to get on with it not wanting the first attempt to be a well publicized failure.

The agents managed to preserve the new born kid in a state of suspended animation before replacing the still born child of one Mrs. Emanuel (who along with his mother had succumbed to infections) with OMEGA and his mother, the latter, with her looks altered to resemble the deceased woman. That way, they believed he would grow and die a normal human, but, in the past.

While the general notion was that, just like other high profile criminals, OMEGA had been rendered amnesic and had been sent to live the life of ‘a man in the past’, in truth, OMEGA’s mom lived the life of Mrs. Emanuel. Thus, while the first part of the plan had failed, the second part had worked as planned, only that the original plan did not involve the supplanting the stillborn child.

As expected, OMEGA lived a relatively normal life before the oracle and his band of fanatics tried to bring him back with information from Wren Hall, who had deflected to the other side, regarding the Artificial Brain.

That was not the end of OMEGA in the New World. What many did not know was that it was Scrod Nigher who had been immortalized in the rhyme the kids recited. Not many realized that Doc Sherring was an anagram of Scrod Nigher.

Not that it had escaped the attention of the Leaders. But giving it importance would arouse the curiosity of millions who would end up being fascinated by the man who ‘did it all’. Indeed, only that they were all beyond the realms of normal Evil. In all probabilities, the rhyme had been popularized by one of the several fanatic fan clubs of the Eternal Strategist.

Now one of the fans had escaped detention and his ally here had given all that was needed to get to another ally who would help the resurrection of OMEGA. While the mere arrival of OMEGA would not have a great impact, it would mobilize his supporters giving him time to regain his full strength.

He wondered how many men in his office still secretly worshipped the man. The very thought of it gave him a queasy sensation.

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